How to reset administrator password on Windows Server
Step 1: Reboot your server, and with F11 key, go to boot menu:
Step 2: When the installation window opens, click Next to continue.
Step 3: Select “repair your computer” option.
Step 4: Select “troubleshoot” option.
Step 5: Select “command prompt”.
Step 6: Inside CMD please type:
cd Windows
cd System32
move utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak
copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
net user administrator /active:yes
shutdown -r -t 0
Step 7: After server reboot, on the home login screen, please press the Win+U combination. Inside CMD window, please type:
net user Administrator your-new-password
Step 8: Your password has been reset. However, you need to rollback your changes with utilman.exe.
Just reboot your server, and repeat this guide. Inside CMD window in Windows Recovery mode, please type:
cd Windows
cd System32
del utilman.exe ren utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe
shutdown -r -t 0
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